Wednesday, November 27, 2019

John Wilkes Booth essays

John Wilkes Booth essays John Wilkes Booth was born May 10th, 1838 in Hartford, Maryland. He was the 9th of 10 children of Junius Booth and Mary Ann Holmes. Junius was one of the most famous actors on the American stage (Kimmel, p.33) Junius was eccentric and had many problems with alcohol. John Wilkes Booth attended several private schools, including a boarding school operated by Quakers. He then went on to attend St. Timothys Hall and Episcopal Military Academy in Maryland. During the 1850s young Booth became part of the Know-Nothing party in politics (Kimmel, p.55). The Know-Nothing party was formed by American natives who wanted to preserve the country for native-born whites. After his fathers death, Booth wanted to be a famous actor like him. When he was 17 years old, Booth made his stage debut in Richard III. Forgetting his lines and cues, the critics ridiculed him. Booth was so upset that two years passed before he returned to the stage (Samples, p.42). In 1857 Booth played Stock in Philad elphia, then later became a member of the Richmond Theater. As his career took off, many people called him the handsomest man in America. He stood 5-8, with jet-black hair, ivory skin, and was lean and athletic. He had an easy charm about him that attracted women.(Stern p.68) Soon Booth was earning around $20,000 a year. He was hailed as the youngest tragedian in the world.(Stern, p.69) For the next several years, Booth starred in Romeo and Juliet, The Apostate, The Marble Heart, The Merchant of Venice, Julius Caesar, Othello, The Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet, and Macbeth. In 1863, President Lincoln saw Booth in the role of Rapheal in the Marble Heart at Fords Theater in the exact same box that he would later be killed in. Booth became extremely interested in politics and was very opinionated. Booth was secretly a spy for the south and joined their R...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

French English True Cognates Starting With R

French English True Cognates Starting With R One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. The 1,700 words are spelled (although not pronounced) identically in French and English and are true or semi-true cognates. Before you start memorizing them, please read some important notes about these cognates. The (parentheses) indicate the words part of speech in both languages, and, in the case of nouns, the gender of the noun in French. racial  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)radar  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)radial  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)radian  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)radiant  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)radiation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)radical  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)radio  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)radium  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)radius  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)radon  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)raid  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)ramification  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)ranch  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)rat  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)ratification  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)ratio  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)ration  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)ravine  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rechargeable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)recognition  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)resconstitution  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)reconstruction  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rectangle  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)rectifiable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)rectitude  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)recyclable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)referendum  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)refuge  Ã‚  Ã‚  (ma sculine noun)regret  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)relaxation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)religion  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)repentant  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)reproduction  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)reptile  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)respect  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)respectable  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)respiration  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)restaurant  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)restitution  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)restriction  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)retriever  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)revolver  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)rhododendron   (masculine noun)ricochet  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)rictus  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)ridicule  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)riposte  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rival  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective masculine noun)robot  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)rose  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective noun)rotation  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rotor  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)routine  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)royal  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)royalties  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rugby  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine n oun)rumba  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rumination  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rupture  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rural  Ã‚  Ã‚  (adjective)ruse  Ã‚  Ã‚  (feminine noun)rutabaga  Ã‚  Ã‚  (masculine noun)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International etiqute Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International etiqute - Research Paper Example India hosts people from different religions and languages. There is a majority of Hindus, followed by Muslims, Sikhs and Christians. Languages spoken include but are not limited to Hindi / Urdu, English and Punjabi. Business trends in a country are immensely influenced by the social and cultural norms prevailing in that country. Likewise, business in India is unique in nature. Indians are greatly influenced by the English people who have ruled them for centuries in the past. Accordingly, good business culture in India is considered one that would conform to the Western standards in terms of business language, dress codes, ethics, organizational structure and functionality. Generally any person who can speak good English is considered literate and qualified for many types of opportunities in the market. Indians are generally polite and sharp. Usually, they would frequently be observed making promises on petty matters to convince the other person. India generally has a 5 day working week, Monday through Friday, with 8 working hours in a day, which includes a 1 hour lunch break. However, in some organizations, it is also compulsory for workers to work on Saturday. â€Å"Business hours are usually from 9.30 to 5.30pm (weekdays) with a lunch break from 1pm to 2pm, and Saturdays from 9.30am to 1pm.† (, n.d.). However, (Nita, 2008) mentioned in her report that the official work week in India consists of 48 hours which starts from Monday and ends on Saturday. Sunday is officially declared as a holiday. Use of fax as a medium of communication is quite frequent in Indian business culture. Although this seems quite simple and easy, yet managers can not be approached directly through a phone call, unless a formal appointment has been taken following the proper hierarchical procedure. Confidential matters are not discussed in emails and spams are not replied. Additionally, in writing business letters or other documents,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critical apraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critical apraisal - Essay Example The article is pertinent as this particular segment of society faces lot of problems related to stress and depression resulting in health problems that adversely affects their work and employment scope. The article, ‘A randomized controlled trial of combined exercise and psycho-education for low-SES women: Short- and long-term outcomes in the reduction of stress and depressive symptoms’ by Waerden et al., is a study that was conducted on 161 Dutch low SES women with a moderately high stress level or depressive symptoms between September 2005 and May 2008. It helped evaluate the impact of interventions on their stress and depression. The group based program was divided into three categories: E or exercise only; EP or exercise with psycho education; and WLP or waiting list control condition where participants were randomly assigned. The study highlighted 8 weeks intervention with follow up after 2, 6 and 12 months respectively. It revealed that E and EP showed stress reduction in women with low education achievement. The findings are important as this group can be targeted for reducing stress and depressive symptoms. The study has a clear statement of goals and articulates its importance within the designated target group. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the ‘effects of multidisciplinary preventive intervention aimed at reducing stress and depressive symptoms among low-SES women’ (Waerden, et al. 85). The research is important because it addresses the gap of combining exercise with psycho social approaches for low SES women. It is highly relevant because low SES women often do not engage in preventive measures for stress or depression. Moreover, the studies so far have been accompanied by lot of questionnaires and feedbacks that required verbal skills and home assignments which have served as

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Prisons and Jails Essay Example for Free

Prisons and Jails Essay Almost all nations and cultures have made laws to protect their citizens. From the early years and over the decades these laws have been kept in force to prevent the societies from experiencing situations of anarchy. Different punishment has been provided for in different countries to prevent its people from adopting a path and practice of criminal activities. The world of today is characterized by the presence of criminals who are brought to book and punished in a variety of ways depending on the culture and values of any country or society. Prisoners have been locked up in prisons and meted out with terms that include punishment by way of a rigorous regimen of hard labor while undergoing the term as also milder ones that may include a stint in reformatory homes. Historically punishments have ranged from corporal punishment to death penalty, Several countries have for long been awarding the death penalty for committing heinous crimes that were executed in several forms that included, hanging, guillotine, by firing squad, lynching and now electric chair. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi is the oldest record available to ascertain that a egal system existed to award punishment in the Middle East. Western countries were influenced by and followed the laws enacted in ancient Rome whereby each city had a court that worked under the Law of Twelve Tables so as to protect citizens and to make the rulers and governments effective. The Justinian Code is considered to be the most logical and effective legal system that was most effective in ancient times whereby punishment was meted out by the process of Law. In due course people began to realize the value of a legal system that protected citizens and each country began to appoint heriffs to deal with punishments and the justice system became a major part of society although they were never fool proof and were always characterized by shortcomings that put a question mark on the efficiency of the judiciary. In ancient times the justice and reform system was often misused when criminals were hung on crosses, sometimes tortured to death or placed in dungeons to die. Those citizens who protested were also treated as criminals and tortured or put behind bars. It was during this time, in the 19th century and mainly in the Roman Empire that civil justice was effectively implemented nd more prisons were built to punish criminals humanely. This soon had effect on the rest of the world and with the emergence of the modern world more prisons were built and departments set up to manage them effectively. With the widespread maturing of the legal system over the decades, more and more criminals were brought to book and the law abiding citizens heaved a sigh of relief especially during the time of the Queen of Britain at the turn of the 19th century. Under the new system the criminal was given an opportunity to prove himself innocent and the overnment had to prove a person to be guilty of crime within the prevailing provisions of law, before he could be sentenced to a term of punishment and imprisonment. Although capital punishment continued to prevail but it was awarded in the rarest of rare cases. Over the years with the influence of Human Rights Organizations and Civil Rights Movements, the trend has set in to rather reform the wrong doers than to award extreme penalties by giving sentenced criminals opportunities to amend themselves and to come back within the mainstream of society. Under the system convicts are put on probation or parole under the watchful eyes of probation officers appointed by courts to ensure that such people remain disciplined and strictly follow the code of conduct as outlined by the court. The view of punishment taken by society has changed dramatically over the years. Initially punishment comprised of physical torture, maiming, death by burning, hard labor, deprivation of food adequate clothing and shelter, but attitudes of the society have changed now and the belief is to punish by way of imprisonment of varying periods epending on the severity of the crime. Imprisonment today is considered punishment for one’s wrong doings, which is also consistent with the society’s objective of keeping such people aloof until they are reformed to lead a normal life within society. To insist that a person is sent to prison so that he is punished is wrong in today’s context since after he completes his term he has the justification to return to his old ways. Hence prison authorities today have a duty to fulfill by way of reforming the convict during his term so as to transform him into a more responsible citizen. It is for this reason that in most countries modern society is characterized by a prison and punishment system that strongly believes that the most effective form of punishment is to deprive the convict of his freedom until he is reformed. In this context the composition and diversity of prison population in America has been examined and found that presently over two million people are in American prisons. This does indicate that modern society has now been characterized by a pattern, which clearly indicates that the government is duty bound to ensure freedom to criminals once their 4 rison terms are over and that they gel back into society with a tag of respect and positive aspirations. The changing attitudes and trends have seen a constant inflow of inmates in the Federal, State and local prisons. The Federal government held a majority of 63% of the inmates while local municipal and county jails held 30%, and the remaining being accounted for in other prisons.. Most states have been experiencing a 5% increase in the number of inmates over the last three years. Private prisons held about 86626 prisoners which accounts for about 7% of the inmates in American prison. A private prison is a place in which convicts are physically detained by a private organization for profit at the instance of the legal authorities. These companies enter into an agreement with the federal government to take care of and reform and motivate prisoners and claim from them a fixed fee amount per prisoner. There are about 264 private prisons/correctional facilities in the United States that take care of about 110000 offenders. The concept of private prisons was floated to reduce government expenses in the long run, but the scheme has not worked effectively due to private sector neffectiveness with convicts, and having realized this the federal government is not encouraging further addition to their numbers. The number of private prisons is now set to decline gradually. Rates of imprisonment have greatly increased due to increase in the rate of criminal offences, which is considered a consequence of the fast track development that is taking place in the modern world. More delinquencies resulting from human inadequacies to tolerate inequalities have resulted in people taking the course first towards minor crimes and then graduating to bigger ones and then ultimately falling into legal traps that lead to their conviction and further imprisonment. In America imprisonment is the most common sentence in legislation for serious offences in terms of dealing with criminal activities, which explains the high number of prisoners in jails. Only effective and well targeted correction measures and programs can reduce criminal offending and over time there is good reason to target investment in preventive approaches for the betterment of those undergoing prison sentences. As discussed earlier, in the modern world the biggest punishment for a criminal is to urtail his freedom for the duration of his sentence and during this time it is the duty of the jail administration to make him undergo a rigorous regimen of correction and transformation into a more responsible and law abiding citizen. The American government has an arrangement in place whereby all jail administrators are to undergo a training program to specialize in dealing with and reforming convicts and to encourage them in displaying their creativity and interests so that when their prison term is over they can lead the life style that is in keeping with that of a responsible and respectable citizen. The American judicial and correction system is such that it is considered to be one of the most liberal in terms of providing guarantees of human rights and opportunities for misguided people to reform themselves. There are several government sponsored programs that provide for opportunities for such people to reestablish themselves for a better means of livelihood. The punishment part for their wrong doings gets over the moment they finish with the duration of their prison sentence and after that they can look forward to a happier life free of the stigma that attaches to a person of such background.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Decision: Finding the Right College Essay -- Informative, College

A student sifts through stacks of once enticing, but now monotonous mail. They all seem to have the same message, pleading with the student to consider attending their school. The letters outline details about certain features the school has that may make them stand out among the crowd. Most of the schools are ones that the student has never even heard of. The student, tired of looking through these boring letters, decides to go online and look at some of the colleges that caught their eye. A student and his parents sit across from each other at the dining room table. Laid out in front of them are papers detailing different college’s financial outlook. They discuss the pros and cons of each school, and talk about how money is a factor to where he goes. Somewhere across the country, a prospective student-athlete is on the phone with a coach from the basketball team. The coach is telling the student all about what the school offers for their major and what kind of players they a re trying to recruit. The coach also asks the student questions about normal life as well, trying to establish a solid relationship which can make or break the recruitment process. Leaves are falling on the sidewalk as a different student tours a potential college. He tours all the main buildings while tossing questions at his tour guide about life on campus. The future can be frightening. For many high school students around the world, the future contains going on to college. This decision of where to go to college can be a time-consuming, mentally exhausting, and plain difficult decision. There are multiple ways this can be done. Every school has an on-line website and sends out mail. By scanning through these, students can get a feel for the school is like... ...d it. By having a plan, the student can save themselves hours of stress because they will not have to go through and research every little detail as their senior year comes to a close. The smartest way to go about making a decision is to make at least one college visit. No letter, web page, or phone call can supersede actually experiencing the college. This is not to say the only item a student should worry about taking tours of colleges. It takes a combination of multiple items to come to a solid and final conclusion on where to go to college. While it may be formidable for a student to think about choosing where to continue college, it can also be an enjoyable process because they student can, for the, decide what kind of experience they want. Students should not be afraid, they need to embrace the process and be ready to enjoy the next four years of their lives. The Decision: Finding the Right College Essay -- Informative, College A student sifts through stacks of once enticing, but now monotonous mail. They all seem to have the same message, pleading with the student to consider attending their school. The letters outline details about certain features the school has that may make them stand out among the crowd. Most of the schools are ones that the student has never even heard of. The student, tired of looking through these boring letters, decides to go online and look at some of the colleges that caught their eye. A student and his parents sit across from each other at the dining room table. Laid out in front of them are papers detailing different college’s financial outlook. They discuss the pros and cons of each school, and talk about how money is a factor to where he goes. Somewhere across the country, a prospective student-athlete is on the phone with a coach from the basketball team. The coach is telling the student all about what the school offers for their major and what kind of players they a re trying to recruit. The coach also asks the student questions about normal life as well, trying to establish a solid relationship which can make or break the recruitment process. Leaves are falling on the sidewalk as a different student tours a potential college. He tours all the main buildings while tossing questions at his tour guide about life on campus. The future can be frightening. For many high school students around the world, the future contains going on to college. This decision of where to go to college can be a time-consuming, mentally exhausting, and plain difficult decision. There are multiple ways this can be done. Every school has an on-line website and sends out mail. By scanning through these, students can get a feel for the school is like... ...d it. By having a plan, the student can save themselves hours of stress because they will not have to go through and research every little detail as their senior year comes to a close. The smartest way to go about making a decision is to make at least one college visit. No letter, web page, or phone call can supersede actually experiencing the college. This is not to say the only item a student should worry about taking tours of colleges. It takes a combination of multiple items to come to a solid and final conclusion on where to go to college. While it may be formidable for a student to think about choosing where to continue college, it can also be an enjoyable process because they student can, for the, decide what kind of experience they want. Students should not be afraid, they need to embrace the process and be ready to enjoy the next four years of their lives.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


One of the reasons is the increase in accessibility of formula. Breastfeeding rates declined sharply because of the widespread belief that pastured cows milk eliminated the differences between human and cow's milk feeding' (Wolf 2003 [as cited in DAD, 2009]). Many organizations are in support and promote breastfeeding for example, Center for Disease Control and Healthy people with goals Of increasing the rate of breastfeeding mothers. Multiple benefits result from breastfeeding for both infant and mother.The DAD (2009) list multiple benefits; for example, bonding between mother and infant, essential trident, immunity properties, decrease in allergies and other intolerance's, decrease in sudden infant death and long term affect of decrease in type 1 and 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and high cholesterol. There are also positive effects for the mother. For example, low risk in chronic diseases and other physical benefits as well as financial. The benefits are overwhelming for both mother and infant. In regards to benefits to society, according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2014), breast-feeding can reduce infant mortality, less medical cost, more productive work force and good for the environment. It is our responsibility to assist and educate new mothers on the benefits by promoting and encouraging short term and long-term benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and infant (DAD, 2009). In order to provide effective teaching to a new mother, I must take into consideration the health literacy of the mother and any cultural beliefs she may have. The educational approach must be culturally sensitive and set in an environment that is conducive to learning.An assessment made on preferred learning can assist the new mom in adhering to breastfeeding and setting aside any misconceptions, she may have. I would involve the mom and family with creating short and long-term goals and implementing strategies. This article is an excellent article th at provides all the benefits for both her and her infant. An excellent resource to provide this new mom with up to date information is La Lech League. This website provides information on techniques, other resources, publications and tips on breastfeeding.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

History of Badminton Essay

Badminton is one of the most enjoyable racket games that can be played by males and females or any age or skill level. The games can be played by single or doubles. Badminton is played over the net using a shuttlecock and a racket. The shuttlecock is being struck before it lands on your court, back to the opponent’s court. You need quick reflex and a physically fit body in order to cope with the game. HISTORY OF BADMINTON Badminton first originated in India centuries ago where it was known as Poona. The British army officers were very much fascinated by the game, and so they introduced in England sometime between 1870 and 1880. Badminton was invented in the 1860s by the daughters of the Duke of Beaufort, who entertained themselves with a version of the children’s game known as battledore and shuttlecock. The game they derived for themselves soon became for the house in the which they played it, the duke’s Badminton House in Gloustershire, England. Before long, badminton societies and clubs were sprouting throughout England. In 1893, the first Badminton Association was formed. Six years later, the All-England Badminton Championship was played. Eventually, the sport igrated to continental Europe. From there it reached India via British military officers and Indonesia by way of Dutch colonists. The far-flung expansion necessitated the formation of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) in 1934. The International Badminton Federation (IBF) is the governing body for international events. In the Philippines, the Badminton Association of the Philippines (BAP) governs the game. It is responsible for the promotion and he development of the game in the country. The BAP is also te body that provides Filipino players competing in international competitions representing the country. The Association is also conducting or sponsoring seminars and clinic to those who are aspiring to become players, coaches, referees and umpires. In playing badminton, it is very necessary to learn the different terms used in order to understand the game. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Player- any person playing badminton Match- the game proper between two opposing sides on a 2 out of 3 games or 3 out of 5 games. Singles- a match where there is only one player on each of the opposing sides. Doubles- a match where there is only one player on each of the opposing sides. Serving side- the side having the right to serve Receiving side- the side opposite the serving side Rally- a sequence of one or more strokes starting with the service, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Scarlet Pimpernel, 1982 essays

Scarlet Pimpernel, 1982 essays This film takes place in the 18th century during the French Revolution (Reign of Terror). The story is basically about an aristocrat who disguises himself and saves people from being executed for no reason. This man, Sir Percy Blakney, (Anthony Andrews) calls himself the Scarlet Pimpernel. He saves a man (Armand Sanjuste) and falls in love with that man ¡s sister (Margarite, played by Jane Seymour). This starts a conflict because Margarite already has a boyfriend, Chauvelin (Ian Mckellen), who happens to be Robspierre ¡s right hand man during the Reign of Terror. Margarite marries Percy and Chauvelin gets jealous so he spreads lies about Margarite to separate her with Percy. The plan works and leads to Chauvelin ¡s discovery of the Scarlet Pimpernel ¡s identity. Then the story basically leads to a fight between Percy and Chauvelin. Percy wins and he and his wife get back together and live happily ever after. Just looking at this film, I could tell that this movie was made in the 80 ¡s. The video quality of the film gives it away. From looking at the scenery, this film most likely was filmed in Europe. This movie was based on the novel by Baroness Orcsy and later aired on TV and brought out on VHS in 1982. The scenery and setting was perfect for the film because it gives the audience an idea of when the story took place. The costumes were great also because the clothing actually looked like what people used to where in France and England. The editing was okay, but they could have done better. There was one part in the video, which the colors were all red. The sound was good, but I ¡m not too sure about the music. The music didn ¡t really seem to entertaining to me. The cinematography was pretty good. I ¡ve got to admit, the actors have talent in their work, especially Anthony Andrews. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Uranium Element Facts and Properties

Uranium Element Facts and Properties Uranium is an element well-known for its radioactivity. Here are a collection of facts about the chemical and physical properties of this metal. Uranium  Basic Facts Atomic Number: 92 Uranium Atomic Symbol: U Atomic Weight: 238.0289 Electron Configuration: [Rn]7s25f36d1 Word Origin: Named after the planet Uranus Isotopes Uranium has sixteen isotopes. All of the isotopes are radioactive. Naturally-occurring uranium contains approximately 99.28305 by weight U-238, 0.7110% U-235, and 0.0054% U-234. The percentage weight of U-235 in natural uranium depends on its source and may vary by as much as 0.1%. Uranium Properties Uranium generally has a valence of 6 or 4. Uranium is a heavy, lustrous, silvery-white metal, capable of taking a high polish. It exhibits three crystallographic modifications: alpha, beta, and gamma. It is a bit softer than steel; not hard enough to scratch glass. It is malleable, ductile, and slightly paramagnetic. When exposed to air, uranium metal becomes coated with a layer of oxide. Acids will dissolve the metal, but it is not affected by alkalis. Finely divided uranium metal is attached by cold water and is pyrophoric. Crystals of uranium nitrate are triboluminescent. Uranium and its (uranyl) compounds are highly toxic, both chemically and radiologically. Uranium Uses Uranium is of great importance as a nuclear fuel. Nuclear fuels are used to generate electrical power, to make isotopes, and to make weapons. Much of the internal heat of the earth is thought to be due to the presence of uranium and thorium. Uranium-238, with a half-life of 4.51 x 109 years, is used to estimate the age of igneous rocks. Uranium may be used to harden and strengthen steel. Uranium is used in inertial guidance devices, in gyro compasses, as counterweights for aircraft control surfaces, as ballast for missile reentry vehicles, for shielding, and for x-ray targets. The nitrate may be used as a photographic toner. The acetate is used in analytical chemistry. The natural presence of uranium in soils may be indicative of the presence of radon and its daughters. Uranium salts have been used for producing yellow vaseline glass and ceramic glazes. Sources Uranium occurs in minerals including pitchblende, carnotite, cleveite, autunite, uraninite, uranophane, and torbernite. It is also found in phosphate rock, lignite, and monazite sands. Radium is always associated with uranium ores. Uranium can be prepared by reducing uranium halides with alkali or alkaline earth metals or by reducing uranium oxides by calcium, carbon, or aluminum at elevated temperatures. The metal can be produced through electrolysis of KUF5 or UF4, dissolved in a molten mixture of CaCl2 and NaCl. High-purity uranium can be prepared by the thermal decomposition of uranium halides on a hot filament. Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth Element (Actinide Series) Discovery: Martin Klaproth 1789 (Germany), Peligot 1841 Uranium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 19.05 Melting Point ( °K): 1405.5 Boiling Point ( °K): 4018 Appearance: Silvery-white, dense, ductile and malleable, radioactive metal Atomic Radius (pm): 138 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 12.5 Covalent Radius (pm): 142 Ionic Radius: 80 (6e) 97 (4e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.115 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 12.6 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 417 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.38 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 686.4 Oxidation States: 6, 5, 4, 3 Lattice Structure: Orthorhombic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 2.850 Magnetic Ordering: paramagnetic Electrical Resistivity (0 °C): 0.280  µÃŽ ©Ã‚ ·m Thermal Conductivity (300 K): 27.5 W ·m−1 ·K−1 Thermal Expansion (25 °C): 13.9  µm ·m−1 ·K−1 Speed of Sound (thin rod) (20 °C): 3155 m/s Youngs Modulus: 208 GPa Shear Modulus: 111 GPa Bulk Modulus: 100 GPa Poisson Ratio: 0.23 CAS Registry Number: 7440-61-1

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The difference between the economy in Qatar and Germany ( personal Research Paper

The difference between the economy in Qatar and Germany ( personal opinion ) - Research Paper Example Qatar has a huge natural reserve of gas unlike Germany which depends on other centuries. Oil and gas has diversified the economy of Qatar which gave development in area like chemicals, cement, steel, fertilizer industries and banking. The country largely depends on oil and gas reserve whereas Germany depends on service industry. The 70% of GDP depends upon the service sector. Qatar is a Muslim country and the official language is Arabic whereas the Germany has German as German as official language with no specific religious concentration. Germany is a highly developed nation and has been a world power since centuries. In comparison, Qatar is a country which has developed in recent years and has no historical value. Qatar is now the riches country in Islamic world and has been a pearl fishing country before its concentration on oil and gas. The country Germany specializes in engineering and specializes in fields like automobiles, metals, chemical goods and machinery. Germany is the le ading producer of solar power technology and wind turbines in the world. The country also holds large international trade fairs and congresses in many of cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Hanover. In this area, Qatar lacks behind as it is not into engineering sector. In case of production of goods and services the country lags behind. Germany is a leader in manufacturing, educational and service sector while Qatar is only leading in gas and oil supply. Qatar is back in educational system with a very few universities and academies and the population of the country is low in educational standards. Germany is a renowned car producer with famous brands like Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz and BMW whereas Qatar is a consumer of these classy cars. Germany is a country which huge corporate like Adidas, PUMA, Siemens, Allianz, Daimler whereas Qatar has no huge corporate. Germany is a permanent member of United Nations Security Council while Qatar is not. Germany is the founding member of the EU a nd also is a part of all international organizations. As per ( Thomas White) â€Å"While rooted in its past, Germany is also a cosmopolitan and dynamic country offering something for everyone†. Qatar is a recently developed country and it is still developing. The country is currently is under â€Å"Qatarization† and in which the Qatari nationals are given priority in positions of authority in all large companies. Since more and more Qatari nationals who are educated in foreign countries are returning home they are given preference in occupation. Qatar has a market economy and has much freedom score and is rated 27th freest in 2013 index. It has much improvement in government spending and monetary freedom comparing to other 15 countries in Middle East region and is ranked at 2nd among them. Qatar’s economy is â€Å"mostly free† with stable economic freedom. As per (Heritage) â€Å"As reflected in the country’s steady improvement in economic freedom since 2008, the Qatari government has pursued reforms to improve the entrepreneurial environment and broaden the economic base beyond oil and gas†. Although, the country is rich, it has a lack of educated work force in economy. Most of the working population is expatriates from India, Philippines and other South Asian countries. However, Germany as a developed nation has a social market economy. It is competitive economy which oppresses socialism. In it

Friday, November 1, 2019

Heated debate, Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Heated debate, - Article Example Rossi-Hansberg of Princeton University in their working paper are wondering whether there are ways of managing the impact of changing weather patterns by moving the location of economic activity. These writers note that about 90% of global production makes use of only 10% of the land available. When that 10% is threatened, activity may at least theoretically shift to bits of the 90% made more hospitable by climate change. Thus Messrs Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg created a model economy and battered it with various temperature rises to gauge its reaction. In this analysis, the two writers allow people to move around as they want in this response. In worst situations, freedom from movement does not make much difference since temperatures lead to a reduction of global agricultural productivity to almost zero, meaning â€Å"the end of human life on earth†. Nevertheless, in more moderate situations, rising global temperatures enhance agricultural productivity in northerly climes. Restrictions on movement on the other hand, dramatically increase the cost of welfare. This model is simplistic and suggests that limits on migration have a huge impact on the global warming costs. Mr. Mathew Kahn (University of California) claims that warming of the climate, will lead to vulnerable areas such as lower Manhattan to become less desirable in relation to rival centres such as New York’s suburbs, Manhattan and Chicago. It is therefore important that rational firms and workers to assess the dangers of floods or such and migrate, so as to raise the productivity of the destination locations as they appear. This move would come with its own costs and investors in places such as lower Manhattan property would for instance suffer big losses. Nevertheless Mr. Kahn argues that there may also be gains as activity shifts from ancient cities to more modernized areas. The conclusion of the article points to government involvement through such things as food flood insurance, for those living